What is Vastu Shastra?

Look around your home and your workspace. Do these spaces, where you spend so much time, connect to you and your family—or to your organization and your clients? Do they make you feel comfortable or do you feel ill-at-ease because of their lack of synergy and balance. Have the energies affected your potential to make money which is in itself a subtle energy and a result of work (karma), desires (kama) and life energy (prana),

The design of many homes, companies, hotels and hospitals ignore the power of space and its ability to create a negative or positive impact on us.Vastu Shastra, the ancient science of design and architecture, originated during the Vedic Civilization, which many scholars assert flourished as early as 6000 years ago in India and other parts of South Asia. Vastu Shastra helps us in creating interior spaces in tune with nature so that they honour the rhythms that control the universe, establish harmony with ourselves and nature and enhance the need for spiritual development. Therefore a Vastu rectified living space is the connecting platform between humankind, earth and the cosmos.

What is Vastu Shastra

Introduction Of Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is not magic that can change things for you overnight. It is essentially a discipline that does affect your life, but gradually. This Shastra definitely manipulates the time and manner in which the events happen. But an individual’s actions and destiny also play a major part in what that individual acquires, and eventually develops into.

Therefore, Vastu Shastra can be said to have some obligations and the effect of Vastu Shastra fluctuates from one location to another. Besides, an individual at one location would achieve something different from another individual at the same location. This implies that the effect of Vastu Shastra is also different for different people. Living spaces that are designed considering the principles of Vastu and the numerical calculations of ‘Ayadi’ (receiving more and spending less energy), influence an individual in different ways because it pays attention to the space offered, required height, proper ventilation, colour, shapes, and good circulation. These things offer luxury to the inhabitants of that architecture.

What Vedas Say About Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is counted among the sixty-four principal faculties of knowledge, which emanated directly from the Vedas. Several hymns or formulae in the Rigveda and Yajurveda pertain to the origin of Vastukala (architectural and constructional art). Like the four Vedas, there are four Upvedas, namely, Gandharveda, Dhanurveda, Ayurveda and Sthaptvaveda. Of these, the last one happens to be what was developed the Vastu Shastra in the successive ages – the periods of the Vedic scriptures like the Brahmans, Aryanyaks, Upanishads and Puranas.

Vastu is an inquisitive and mystic science from ancient India for designing and building. It studies the 8 major directions, 5 elements of nature and then balances them to arrive at a congenial decision to make settings in architecture and buildings so that the living place or working place is bestowed with the benefits of nature and its elements to enhance wealth, prosperity, health and happiness. Vastu Shastra is a blend of art, science, astrology and astronomy.

In the olden days, sages and seers had great knowledge in utilizing the five elements of nature (earth, water, air, fire and space) and their characteristic features and effects for the benefit of mankind by accordingly planning and constructing buildings for living, praying, entertainment, education, work, etc.

Vastu Shastra is closely connected to astrology. Many of its observances are based on astrology. Being a compound of atoms the human body is affected by the gravitational pull of the planets as they move around the sun. Astrologers study the position of a planet and interpret their influence on the lives of the individuals, anticipating good or bad results. The horoscope of an individual plays an important role in Vastu while identifying auspicious times to commence work on a house, to calculate the most favourable position for the main door or entrance, when to move in or when to hold a house-warming ceremony or grah pravesh.

Vibrations, waves, sound, and light are the four basic parameters involved in defining the state and character of a house. As astrological studies also involve these four factors, an interesting interrelationship between Astrology and Vastu Shastra can be observed. Vibrations, waves, sound, and light influence the environment of a house, making it either holy or impure. Wherever necessary, rectification is possible through improvement of vibrations of the various directions.

Ancient rishis thought deeply on the kawakawa or significance of different planets before formulating the principles of Vastu. Each direction and a portion of house are marked for different activities depending upon the significance of different planets. If this rule is transgressed, there will be confusion and those dwelling in that portion may have problem of health and money. There will be stress and tension between members of the family.

Each direction is governed by planets. Thus the Sun governs the east, Venus governs the south, Saturn governs the west, Mercury governs the north, Mars governs the south-east, Rahu governs the south-west and Ketu also governs the north—east.

The Indian scientist A. R. Hari investigated the importance of Vastu Shastra and discovered that most chronic diseases are a reflected in the patients home. If the natural laws of energy are abused , chronic dis-eases like heart diease, Cancer and diabetes seem to be the end result, However, in houses with good Vastu a strong bio-energetic living field strengthens the power of resistance of its inhabitants. This can be further explained when looking at the Geopathic Stress Grid in houses with good and bad Vastu and moving the GS lines out of the homes with the bad Vastu which allows the inhabitants immune system to deal with stress and dis-ease.

Interview with Dr. Coralye Friul Srivastava

Awards won by Dr. Coralye Friul Srivastava
Books written by Dr. Coralye Friul Srivastava

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